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To The “Barbie Doll” of the WWE: STFU!

Last night, at Night of Champions, we thought Beth Phoenix would end the “Barbie Reign” of the Divas Champion, Kelly Kelly. The Glamazon-dominated match lasted longer than three minutes–and this only applies to PPVs–ended with no finisher, just a roll-up for the pin, and Barbie Doll, Kelly Kelly, retains and runs out of the ring LIKE A HEEL!! Yes, the old “hometown screwjob” is getting fancy in the WWE, lately–not counting CM Punk, winning the WWE Title at MITB PPV.

It seems that Kelly Kelly has a strong resemblance to the doll, alot…or the fact that that her name was Barbie Blank, before signing with the WWE. Anyways, what I’m getting to is that not only Kelly Kelly is retarded in the ring, she’s retarded in her tweets. Just take a look at some of those she said, dated Sept 18:

“A champion is not a person that is always winning and owns all. A champion is a person that never gives up.”♥”

Yep, when you act like a heel, it contradicts that statement, perfectly!

“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision.”

You know what else Champions are made of…sucking some guys–you know, that’s not PG!

“Champs are like a dream. They strive until they get on top and keep forth the game. They never give up and never step down.”

When the writers pushes you to that point, then the statement is true. Why do you think Gail Kim quit?

This is exactly what I’m saying. When you make speeches like that, at least back it up. And we didn’t see any of it, here. Therefore, if I were a WWE writer, I would book one more match with Beth Phoenix against K2, and have Beth win it. Make us happy, and get the Divas title off the bitch…she’s becoming the Cena of the Divas division.

4 responses

  1. Beth is retarded too… complaining about a barbie doll champion when she’s got bleach blonde hair and implants too…. Same with Natalya. Plus they appear on RAW to plug what they’re gonna say on Twitter.

    WWE knows what they’re doing by keeping the Divas a joke. Beth wants change, Punk wants change. Sting has wanted change in TNA for 5 years now…

    September 19, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    • The hair and implants don’t make a girl retarded…it’s how many botches in-and-out of the ring she can do…K2 botches more than Beth and Natalya, combined.

      September 19, 2011 at 1:33 pm

      • I’ve always been a big proponent of Beth’s. She could have been and still could be the next mainstream success like Chyna. Only without the problems. She’s got muscles, she doesn’t talk and she’s beautiful. People would see her as a female wrestler and she’d get mainstream success. Whereas Kelly Kelly gets mainstream success because she’s just another skinny bleach blonde like the mainstream loves… but when people see her they think model and not wrestler. People need to associate these women with wrestling so it draws people into watching the product instead of just looking for her pics online.

        It takes more work to push Beth to the mainstream, but they should, she’d pay off with movies, talk shows and so on. *head explodes*

        September 19, 2011 at 2:29 pm

  2. JesseCStevens

    “if I were a WWE writer, I would book one more match with Beth Phoenix against K2, and have Beth win it. Make us happy, and get the Divas title off the bitch”

    And soon enough…

    October 6, 2011 at 4:07 pm

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